Which article is used between a "name" and a "tagline" [closed]

Suppose, I am selling a new product named as: "Innob" and there is a tagline followed by it: "___, new breath in (the) town".

Which article shall I use between the name and the tagline ("the" vs "a/an")?
In other words, which is grammatically correct between below 2:

"Innob, the new breath in (the) town"


"Innob, a new breath in (the) town"

[Note: tagline is altered for privacy, however the question remains the same]

Reference- oxforddictionaries.com

the new- Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before:

"Innob, the new breath in (the) town.

a new- Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.

"Innob, a new breath in (the) town.

I proffer:

"Innob, the new breath in your town.


•Tourism: The Perfect Host

•Mcdowells Signature: The New Sign Of Success

•Sun Microsystems: The Network Is The Computer

Grammatically both are correct, but the meaning is different:

  • "a new ..." refers to one out of many, whereas
  • "the new ..." refers to one specific thing, in this case your product which is (hopefully) unique and therefore attractive for customers.

=> for advertising purposes, I'd choose "the new xyz".