What word means what I think "implorements" means?

I'm looking for a title for a section of things I implore people to do. After choosing it, I found that Implorements is not a word. Is there a word that fits the definition "A list of acts I implore others to do"?

I would suggest entreaties; that refers rather to your acts of imploring than to the acts you implore others to do, but then, if I were to encounter implorements I would take it to mean thus also. If you really want a word for the acts you implore others to do, the best I can do is agenda (and I am probably one of the few still using that word consistently as a plural).

It doesn't quite have the urgent/emphatic tone you seem to be after, but I'd actually just use Requests as the heading. Unlike the other suggestions, it's a common word that doesn't sound awkward in the plural. If the requests themselves are phrased as "I implore you to...", that should get your point across sufficiently, without needing to resort to non-words in the heading.

imploration. It's not a commonly used word today. As a title it might work, especially if the writing is relatively formal, but it might be worth considering if synonyms like pleas work better.

Incidentally, it seems that Randle Cotgrave's A dictionarie of the French and English tongues of 1611 did indeed use implorement in his translation of requeste:

(source: pbm.com)

But it isn't attested otherwise, while imploration can be found both earlier and later.

The irony is that it would seem that Cotgrave created implore + ment rather than use imploration which comes from the French imploration, and would have been current in both English and French at the time he was writing this French–English dictionary.