Merge several data.frames into one data.frame with a loop

Solution 1:

You may want to look at the closely related question on stackoverflow.

I would approach this in two steps: import all the data (with plyr), then merge it together:

filenames <- list.files(path=".../tempDataFolder/", full.names=TRUE)
import.list <- llply(filenames, read.csv)

That will give you a list of all the files that you now need to merge together. There are many ways to do this, but here's one approach (with Reduce):

data <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=T, 
    by=c("COUNTRYNAME", "COUNTRYCODE", "Year")), import.list, accumulate=F)

Alternatively, you can do this with the reshape package if you aren't comfortable with Reduce:

data <- merge_recurse(import.list)

Solution 2:

If I'm not mistaken, a pretty simple change could eliminate the 3:length(FileNames) kludge:

FileNames <- list.files(path=".../tempDataFolder/", full.names=TRUE)
dataMerge <- data.frame()
for(f in FileNames){ 
  ReadInMerge <- read.csv(file=f, header=T, na.strings="NULL")
  dataMerge <- merge(dataMerge, ReadInMerge, 
               by=c("COUNTRYNAME", "COUNTRYCODE", "Year"), all=T)