Streaming large files in a java servlet

When possible, you should not store the entire contents of a file to be served in memory. Instead, aquire an InputStream for the data, and copy the data to the Servlet OutputStream in pieces. For example:

ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
InputStream in = [ code to get source input stream ];
String mimeType = [ code to get mimetype of data to be served ];
byte[] bytes = new byte[FILEBUFFERSIZE];
int bytesRead;


while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
    out.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);

// do the following in a finally block:

I do agree with toby, you should instead "point them to the S3 url."

As for the OOM exception, are you sure it has to do with serving the image data? Let's say your JVM has 256MB of "extra" memory to use for serving image data. With Google's help, "256MB / 200KB" = 1310. For 2GB "extra" memory (these days a very reasonable amount) over 10,000 simultaneous clients could be supported. Even so, 1300 simultaneous clients is a pretty large number. Is this the type of load you experienced? If not, you may need to look elsewhere for the cause of the OOM exception.

Edit - Regarding:

In this use case the images can contain sensitive data...

When I read through the S3 documentation a few weeks ago, I noticed that you can generate time-expiring keys that can be attached to S3 URLs. So, you would not have to open up the files on S3 to the public. My understanding of the technique is:

  1. Initial HTML page has download links to your webapp
  2. User clicks on a download link
  3. Your webapp generates an S3 URL that includes a key that expires in, lets say, 5 minutes.
  4. Send an HTTP redirect to the client with the URL from step 3.
  5. The user downloads the file from S3. This works even if the download takes more than 5 minutes - once a download starts it can continue through completion.

Why wouldn't you just point them to the S3 url? Taking an artifact from S3 and then streaming it through your own server to me defeats the purpose of using S3, which is to offload the bandwidth and processing of serving the images to Amazon.

I've seen a lot of code like john-vasilef's (currently accepted) answer, a tight while loop reading chunks from one stream and writing them to the other stream.

The argument I'd make is against needless code duplication, in favor of using Apache's IOUtils. If you are already using it elsewhere, or if another library or framework you're using is already depending on it, it's a single line that is known and well-tested.

In the following code, I'm streaming an object from Amazon S3 to the client in a servlet.


InputStream in = null;
OutputStream out = null;

try {
    in = object.getObjectContent();
    out = response.getOutputStream();
    IOUtils.copy(in, out);
} finally {

6 lines of a well-defined pattern with proper stream closing seems pretty solid.

toby is right, you should be pointing straight to S3, if you can. If you cannot, the question is a little vague to give an accurate response: How big is your java heap? How many streams are open concurrently when you run out of memory?
How big is your read write/bufer (8K is good)?
You are reading 8K from the stream, then writing 8k to the output, right? You are not trying to read the whole image from S3, buffer it in memory, then sending the whole thing at once?

If you use 8K buffers, you could have 1000 concurrent streams going in ~8Megs of heap space, so you are definitely doing something wrong....

BTW, I did not pick 8K out of thin air, it is the default size for socket buffers, send more data, say 1Meg, and you will be blocking on the tcp/ip stack holding a large amount of memory.