How do I take apart an Apple iPod Connector?

The cable, not the part on the actual iPod.

Solution 1:

Joke: it's easy to take it apart. Do you need it to be usable afterwards?

Thomas' suggestion is a good bet, but the pliers will likely damage the connector (the gray plastic).

But if you only care about the connector and not the housing (the white plastic), then you could cut the housing open without touching the connector itself.

It depends on what you want to do after you've taken it apart, but you don't mention that.

Solution 2:

I actually had an issue with mine where I wanted to take it apart as well. The Apple brand cables don't seem to be very well-suited for travel, as the wire has detached from the connector on a few of mine.

Anyway, it looks like you may be able to CAREFULLY take a pair of pliers and pull the connector out of the plastic molding (on the iDevice side, not USB). I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure...let me know what you think.

Dunno if you're still interested in this, but I came across this one you can buy disassembled.