Are the x,y and row, col attributes of a two-dimensional array backwards?

if I think of the x,y coordinate plane x,y is the common notation for an ordered pair, but if I use a two-dime array I have myArray[row][col] and row is the y and col is the x. Is that backwards or am I just thinking about it wrong? I was thinking it would look like myArray[x][y] but that's wrong if I want real rows and columns (like in a gameboard.) Wouldn't it be myArray[y][x] to truly mimic a row column board?

Solution 1:

You have it right, and it does feel a bit backwards. the row number is a y coordinate, and the column number is an x coordinate, and yet we usually write row,col but we also usually write x,y.

Whether you want to write your array as [y][x] depends or [x][y] depends mostly on how much you actually care about the layout in memory (and if you do, what language you use). and whether you want to write functions/methods that can operate on rows or columns in isolation.

If you are writing C/C++ code, arrays are stored in Row Major Order which means that a single row of data can be treated as 1 dimensional array. But a single column of data cannot. If I remember correctly, VB uses column major order, so languages vary. I'd be surprised of C# isn't also row major order, but I don't know.

Solution 2:

This is what I do for my own sanity:

int x = array[0].length;
int y = array.length;

And then for every single array call I make, I write:


This is particulary useful for graphing algorithms and horizontal/vertical matrix flipping.

Solution 3:

It doesn't matter how you store your data in the array ([x][y] or [y][x]). What does matter is that you always loop over the array in a contiguous way. A java two dimensional array is essentially a one dimensional array storing the second array (eg. in the case of [y][x] you have a long array of [y] in which each y holds the corresponding [x] arrays for that line of y).

To efficiently run through the whole array, it's important to access the data in a way so that you don't continuously have to do searches in that array, jumping from one y-array-of-xarrays to another y-array-of-xarrays. What you want to do is access one y element and access all the x's in there before moving to the next y element.

So in an Array[y][x] situation. always have the first variable in the outer loop and the second in the inner loop:

for (int ys = 0; ys < Array.length; ys++)
    for (int xs = 0; xs < Array[y].length; xs++)
        do  your stuff here

And of course pre-allocate both Array.lengths out of the loop to prevent having to get those values every cycle.

Solution 4:

I love the question. You’re absolutely right. Most of the time we are either thinking (x, y) or (row, col). It was years before I questioned it. Then one day I realized that I always processed for loops as if x was a row and y was a column, though in plane geometry it’s actually the opposite. As mentioned by many, it really doesn’t matter in most cases, but consistency is a beautiful thing.