Is there a single-word equivalent for "to approach for help"? [closed]

For stylistic reasons, I am looking for a transitive verb, which could be used as a substitute for "approached... for help", as in "In difficult legal circumstances, he [VERB] a solicitor".

"He consulted a solicitor":



1 Seek information or advice from (someone with expertise in a particular area):

you should consult a financial advisor


Anyone seeking such advice should consult a competent professional.

Do always consult an expert for advice on international adoption agencies and orphanages.

Continue to engage and consult professional trainers, breeders and other specialists.

(Definition and examples from

"Solicit" would often do if he was approaching anyone else for services or assistance; but “he solicited a solicitor” won't work.

Seek/sought might be a possibility:

1: to resort to : go to

2 a : to go in search of : look for

The office is seeking a salesperson.
You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.


Beseeched would work.

ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat