How can I kill the Werewolf?

The Werewolf can be killed using detailed knowledge about werewolves.

There is a book called "Beast's clothes" which will teach a lot about werewolves and the weaknesses they have.

The book will add a beastiary entry containing information on which signs, bombs, oils and strategies to use. I don't want to spoil your experience here, so I will let you find the book (for me it was in a chest in a bandit camp, seemed random). If you don't wanna find it yourself, I will add a spoiler area at the bottom of this post.

I just managed to defeat it yesterday after doubting that it was even possible.

Werewolf weaknesses (Spoiler):

Oil: Cursed Oil
Bombs: Moondust, Devil's Puffball
Signs: Igni

You should be aware of the fact that he can summon other wolves to help him. Usually he only does this once. Also, preparing some potions like Swallow for Vitality regeneration or Thunderbolt for more damage will also help you in this fight. I managed to defeat the Werewolf at Level 5. My damage output was bigger than his ability to regenerate his health. Just keep the damage coming with the weapons and utilities mentioned above and don't forget to dodge his attacks.

I just finished this, and yeah it was a lot harder then I thought it would be!

  • First thing is to kill the wolves that he summons first! get them out of the way so you can focus on the werewolf.

  • Before the start of the fight i used the cat potion so i could see a lot easier and also add the Cursed oil to your sword, it increases attack damage. Strait away i then used a thunderbolt potion so i could get rid of the wolves real quick.

  • Had another thunderbolt potion and focused on a one on one with the werewolf. I used the AXII sign to stun him and then hit him with 3-5 quick attacks then dive out the way, wait for your stamina to recover and repeat.

This is the way i defeated him, his recovering health wasn't to much of a problem, just get rid of those wolves before you start attacking the werewolf.

Hope this some what helps mate, never posted here before.