Can "found" be used, as it is in this sentence, in the future tense?

After several years, Rubin left to found Danger, Inc.

Yes, that’s grammatically correct. It’s not the future tense, though. Left is past tense, and to found is the infinitive. The sentence describes something that has already happened.

But the future will found is fine too:

The male (small, dark ant) will soon die, and the queen will found a new colony.

The link between the two works is the Trojan hero Aeneas, but more specifically, it is his ultimate mission that impels him to leave Dido and Carthage for Italy where he will found the Roman empire as a new Troy.

FIVB critics will found new federation in Copenhagen

The last is a headline; the other two are from COCA.

Yes. Found is the present tense of a verb meaning to establish or create a company or institution.