Can spyware affect the iPad?

Solution 1:

Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, there are other possible attack vectors. iOS Safari is one of the most secure browsers because of the sandbox design of iOS.

First and foremost, do you use the same password for all three? Password reuse is a dangerous problem, because if one account is compromised an attacker can try that same password on other websites to see if you have the same password there.

Secondly, how complex is your password? If it's a word (or combination of words) from the dictionary, attackers can run automated login attempts to guess short passwords. If your password is short and only contains words then it's much easily guessed using this method.

Thirdly, there's no guarantee that the passwords were compromised in the last 24 hours, it could have happened in the past week.

In any case, change those passwords soon and promptly, make sure they all have different passwords, and try to use numbers, symbols, or uppercase letters to prevent a dictionary attack. Also don't use common tricks like "password1" or "abc123" or "blink182" because attackers keep common passwords like that on file for dictionary attacks.