How do portable servers work?

The description for a Portable Server I gadget is the following:

Portable Server I

A portable server slowly increases the agents' connection to Incognita. Security forces will disrupt it if it is found.

Generates 1 PWR per 2 turns when deployed. Deploying has a 2 turn cooldown.

COOLDOWN 2 turn cooldown

  1. Since the gadget description says that it has a 2 turn cooldown, does that mean I can deploy a server multiple times per level?
  2. Or does it mean I can only deploy it once per level, and if I pick it up again, I have to wait another 2 turns before I can deploy it again?
  3. Is it even possible to pick up a deployed server again, like with the camera canister gadget?

The Portable Server is a deployable item similar to a camera cannister. You can place it down anywhere and it immediately starts generating power for you every turn. You can pick it up at any time by walking over it and clicking Pickup Items. The two turn cooldown begins when you pick it up. It's a very powerful and useful item, which is why it is so expensive. Place it in an out of the way place, as if a guard spots it, they will become alarmed. They will also take it. If you forget to pick it up before you leave the level, a reminder message will, fortunately, pop up when you try to activate the teleporter.