How do I get a pass now?

Well, I messed up. The guards denied me entry at a gate on the road to Novigrad, telling me that I need some kind of pass to get through. I bribed the guard, and he told me that someone is selling passes. I talked to the shady merchant, and he told me I'd get one cheaper if I helped his brother-in-law.

I went to the brother-in-law, and tried to help with the monster problem. I managed to kill all the monsters, but it seems the brother-in-law died during the monster attack. The shady merchant didn't take these news very well and I can't get a pass from him now.

Where can I get a pass to enter Novigrad and Oxenfurt now?

Solution 1:

There seem to be many ways to get passes - I probably don't know all of them. However, here are a few more:

  • The Witcher Contract "Woodland Beast", starting by the Bridge to Novigrad has a potential reward of a pass, along with the cash
  • Completing the "Family Matters" questline with the Baron still available should get you a pass

Solution 2:

You don't need a pass to enter the cities at all: just swim to the boat anchored on the side of the border camp, and take it (the archers will attack you so be fast), this will unlock the fast travel point inside the camp, port there, and jump over the closed gate to the other side... done (the boat is optional, but i found it useful for escaping the archers, they are about level 35 or more)

also pursuing the quest Deadly Plot (gotten from Djikstra in novigrad) gets you a pass as well