Possible Duplicate: How to access java-classes in the default-package?

I am using Eclipse 3.5 and I have created a project with some package structure along with the default package. I have one class in default package - Calculations.java and I want to make the use of that class in any of the package (for instance in com.company.calc). When I try to make the use of the class which is in the default package, it's giving me a compiler error. It's not able to recognise the class in default package. Where is the problem?

Calculations.java - source code

public class Calculations {
    native public int Calculate(int contextId);
    native public double GetProgress(int contextId);
    static  {

I can't put my class in any other package. This class has some native methods which are implemented in Delphi. If I put that class in any of the folders, I will have to make changes to that DLL which I want to avoid (really - I can not). That's why I put my class in the default package.

Solution 1:

From the Java language spec:

It is a compile time error to import a type from the unnamed package.

You'll have to access the class via reflection or some other indirect method.

Solution 2:

Classes in the default package cannot be imported by classes in packages. This is why you should not use the default package.