Facebook SDK: app not registered as a URL Scheme
Follow these three steps:
- Create a key called FacebookAppID with a string value, and add the app ID there.
- Create a key called FacebookDisplayName with a string value, and add the Display Name you configured in the App Dashboard.
- Create an array key called URL types with a single array sub-item called URL Schemes. Give this a single item with your app ID prefixed with fb. This is used to ensure the application will receive the callback URL of the web-based OAuth flow.
The finished .plist should look something like this:
Source Link:
In terms of raw keys and values you should have CFBundleURLTypes and CFBundleURLSchemes. Hope that helps!
there is another section below the info - URL Types
check that the values there, under the URL Schemes field match the value in the URL types -> URL Schemes in the property list above. (and also match the FacebookAppID)
For iOS 9
If you have an error: 'LSApplicationQueriesSchemes'
Based on Bear with me answer, you will also have to add those lines:
See this.
You should end up with those lines at the end of your .plist files:
* If you're using v4.6.0 or higher of the SDK, you only need to add:* (Thanks mohsinj)
1- In Xcode, right-click your project's Info.plist file and select Open As -> Source Code.
2- Insert the following XML snippet into the body of your file just before the final </dict>
3- Replace {your-app-id}, and {your-app-name} with your app's App's ID and name found on the Facebook App Dashboard.