Is there a short cut for Google search box as in the picture below in Google chrome? Thank you.

The question here is different with what I am asking. What I want to find shortcut is the red box in the picture below not the address bar as in the link.

enter image description here

Since this feature was very unfortunately removed by Google in July 2017, you need a browser extension to add it back. One that I find useful is: Google Search Keyboard Shortcuts. With this extension, you can just start typing and it will bring you back to the search box.

I don't know when this happened, but today I was about to click the search bar and a little prompt appears near the bottom and says something to the effect of:

press the / key to search.

I did, and voila! I am able to start typing in the omnibox!

Thanks Google!


I found a screenshot:

enter image description here

Ironically, the shortcut doesn't work on the search homepage (, only after you've done a search can you use that shortcut.