How do I register a .NET DLL file in the GAC?

I have made a .NET .DLL file, which I want to register in the GAC.

I have used this command in Windows Server 2003 Command Prompt:

C:\"Path of dll"\>gacutil /i dllname.dll
'gacutil' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

It says the path is not correct.

Do I need to use this in a .NET cmd prompt? If it is that, I am not able to locate the .NET cmd prompt.

You can do that using the gacutil tool. In its simplest form:

gacutil /i yourdll.dll

You find the Visual Studio Command Prompt in the start menu under Programs -> Visual Studio -> Visual Studio Tools.

You'll need:

  • Strong name your assembly (Visual Studio, Project Properties, Signing tab, Sign the assembly)
  • Alter your Build Events (Project Properties, Build Events tab, Post-build command line)
   cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin
   gacutil.exe /i "$(TargetPath)" /f /nologo
   gacutil /l "$(TargetName)" /nologo

Now, everytime you build your project, it'll be installed on GAC.

Just drag and drop the DLL file into folder C:\Windows\assembly using Windows Explorer.


In earlier versions of the .NET Framework, the Shfusion.dll Windows shell extension let you install assemblies by dragging them to File Explorer. Beginning with .NET Framework 4, Shfusion.dll is obsolete.

Source: How to: Install an assembly into the global assembly cache

These responses don't tell you that gacutil resides in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1* by the way.

I didn't have it in my v2.0 folder. But I tried dragging & dropping the DLL into the C:\WINDOWS\Assembly folder as was suggested here earlier and that was easier and does work, as long as it's a .NET library. I also tried a COM library and this failed with an error that it was expecting an assembly manifest. I know that wasn't the question here, but thought I'd mention that in case someone finds out they can't add it, that that might be why.
