How to match null passed to parameter of Class<T> with Mockito

I have methods like these:

public <T> method(String s, Class<T> t) {...}

That I need to check that null is passed to the second argument when using matchers for the other parameters, I have been doing this :

verify(client).method(eq("String"), any(Class.class));

But is there a better way (without suppress warnings) ? T represents the return type of some other method, which is sometimes void and in these cases null is passed in.

Mockito has an isNull matcher, where you can pass in the name of the class. So if you need to use it with other matchers, the correct thing to do is


This is now deprecated, see the answer below for the new method -

Update from David Wallace's answer:

As of 2016-12, Java 8 and Mockito 2.3,

public static <T> T isNull(Class<T> clazz)

is Deprecated and will be removed in Mockito 3.0


public static <T> T isNull()


This works for me:

verify(client).method(eq("String"), eq((Class<?>) null));