How to check if an object is an instance of a namedtuple?
Calling the function collections.namedtuple
gives you a new type that's a subclass of tuple
(and no other classes) with a member named _fields
that's a tuple whose items are all strings. So you could check for each and every one of these things:
def isnamedtupleinstance(x):
t = type(x)
b = t.__bases__
if len(b) != 1 or b[0] != tuple: return False
f = getattr(t, '_fields', None)
if not isinstance(f, tuple): return False
return all(type(n)==str for n in f)
it IS possible to get a false positive from this, but only if somebody's going out of their way to make a type that looks a lot like a named tuple but isn't one;-).
If you want to determine whether an object is an instance of a specific namedtuple, you can do this:
from collections import namedtuple
SomeThing = namedtuple('SomeThing', 'prop another_prop')
SomeOtherThing = namedtuple('SomeOtherThing', 'prop still_another_prop')
a = SomeThing(1, 2)
isinstance(a, SomeThing) # True
isinstance(a, SomeOtherThing) # False
def isinstance_namedtuple(obj) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(obj, tuple) and
hasattr(obj, '_asdict') and
hasattr(obj, '_fields')