A word for "look down on" [closed]
I have a friend who is a teacher but she looks down on her job. She finds it of little value. Is there a single word to describe her feelings for her occupation?
You could say she is dismissive of her job.
Dismissive: Feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration.
I have three verbs that describe your friend's feeling or attitude:
disparage: (vt) regard or represent as being of little worth.
Disparage is most commonly used to refer to how someone speaks or writes of something, but it does include the thought or feeling as well.
undervalue: (vt) rate (something) insufficiently highly; fail to appreciate.
Included in the use of this word is the belief that the thing someone undervalues does indeed have value.
vilipend: (vt) regard as worthless or of little value; despise.
Not as common as the other two, but apt, and somewhat sinister.
If you are looking for an adjective, then you might try:
disdainful: (adj) showing contempt or lack of respect.
Or there's also:
contemptuous: (adj) showing contempt; scornful.