Antonym for "discombobulate"

Solution 1:

If a person is anything but discombobulated, quite the opposite, are they clear headed, enlightened, in control? Or is there a more fitting description?

I think that "clear headed" and "in control" describe the opposite of discombobulated fairly well, if not fully or in a single word. On the other hand, we're talking about a fairly silly word that's used in many different ways. Being out of control doesn't necessarily imply discombobulation, either, so it's really just one facet of what a proper antonym could imply.

I'm not sure "enlightened" works at all. Enlightenment connotes some attained knowledge or state of personal development, whereas discombobulation is entirely a state of mind. An enlightened person, on being abruptly woken from a sound sleep, would be no less enlightened for being temporarily discombobulated.

I would use "composed" or "composure" as an all-purpose antonym for "discombobulated" or "discombobulation" but it lacks a little something in the verb form: I could discombobulate myself or someone else; I could compose myself, but I wouldn't compose someone else. I would instead help them to become composed.

Solution 2:

The current antonym appears to be recombobulate, as least as this sign from Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin would have you believe (image via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):

MKE recombobulation pic

That’s the place at TSA checkpoints where you get to put your shoes and belts and jackets and piercings back together.

Solution 3:

I would suggest that "coherent" is a succinct antonym for "discombobulated."

If discombobulated is understood to mean "confused and wavering," then coherent, meaning "logical and consistent in form or though," counters it very well.

Solution 4:

"Together" or "put-together" can be used as an adjective to mean level-headed or well organized. "Level-headed" and "organized" are good words as well, in that case.

Martijn Pieters is one of the most together people I know. Among the discombobulated questions on Stack Overflow, nothing can faze him.

Solution 5:

Antonyms would include: clarify, organize, enlighten