Is there another expression for "my manager's manager"?

As the title says, is there another expression for "my manager's manager"?

For example, in the large company I currently work for, there are 4 managers and the CEO above me.

If there is no single expression for the manager's manager, what do people use to refer to that person's manager? Is it just "manager's manager's manager"?

Solution 1:

The term that I have heard used in a couple of large organizations is 2nd-level manager. This can of course be extended as necessary for the depth of the hierarchy: your boss is your "1st-level manager", your boss's manager is your "2nd-level manager", that person's boss is your "3rd-level manager", etc.

In the organizations that I have been in, this is always a relative term; the person that your boss calls their 2nd-level manager is your 3rd-level manager.

Solution 2:

Grandboss or Grandmanager is very informal, somewhat nonstandard, but comprehendable. It can be extended to formations like great-great-grandboss.

For instance, it is used in Alan Munford's How Managers Can Develop Managers, but the author defines the term before using it:

grand boss i.e. a manager above the learner's immediate manager

Solution 3:

"My manager's manager" sounds awkward partly because there are already three syllables in one instance of manager, so doubling (or tripling) the word doubles (or triples) the syllable count.

However, "my boss's boss" (or even "my boss's boss's boss") sounds a lot less awkward.