Making a Station With Redstone Booster Track

My suggestion would be to change the normal rail at the bottom of the dip into a powered rail. This also removes the need for two pieces of Redstone dust, as one would power the whole section.

You don't need to use Redstone to bypass that on the way in; you could simply build something like this (it might take you a bit to manipulate the tracks like this):

enter image description hereenter image description here

If that's the end of the line, I would suggest this method that is (in terms of gold a lot!) cheaper then Kevin Y's: enter image description here

When arriving, the booster track will send the cart up the slope and it will stop at the block.

When leaving, approach from behind to give it a small push and jump in as soon as it starts moving. The booster track will send you on your way.

To exit without the cart shooting back down the track, face where you came from, exit the cart, and walk 2-3 blocks down the track before turning.

If you don't mind using a bit more of resources, you could create a mechanism to stop the train using detector rails and redstone, like this: enter image description here

provided that the train enters the station already sped up.

Placing the blocks like this enter image description here

the train will activate the detector and will disable the powered rails in the center, just like this

enter image description here

and the train will stop when it arrives at the deactivated rails.

Notice how the redstone torch is placed on top of a block and the redstone "wire" is placed one block below: this way, if the wire receives a signal it will deactivate the torch, which will, therefore, cut the power to the rails and lead the cart to stop.

If the distance between the powered rails and the detector rail is longer, you might need to add one or more redstone repeaters to cause a delay, so the powered rails will only deactivate when the cart arrives on top of them.

Once stopped, the rails will activate again but the cart will not move because it needs a boost to start moving. To start moving again, you just need to provide that boost, by either pushing the cart or by pressing W while facing the direction you want to go.