associate name with ip for ssh?

If you only want the name for ssh and ssh only, you can add a name to your ssh config in ~/.ssh/config

As an example, your config file could look like this:

Host database
    HostName <real IP address or hostname here>
    User username

Then you can type ssh database on the command line and ssh will automatically do ssh [email protected] for you.

Add an entry for it to /etc/hosts on the system you're ssh'ing from.

The syntax is hostname

This works on Linux and Mac. For Windows, the file is c:\windows\system\drivers\etc\hosts.

clients have 2 or 3 ways to associate a name with a IP address.

1) DNS, but that implies a hostname and a domain.

2) host file, you can add any name in the clients host file and then it will be used. Add the line ' database' in /etc/hosts to associate the name database with the address See for more specific details and OS specific locations.

3) NIS, Solaris computers can use NIS to share hostnames for multiple clients.