How to buy free game?

I had PS+ account with Gravity Rush purchased (PS+ free game). My PS+ will end in 3 month, but last month i saw Gravity Rush in 0.99 USD sale and i want to buy it since my PS+ will be over soon. I can't find the "purchase" button because i already purchase that game (as free game). I already use the website and i still can't find the "purchase" button.

How can i purchase my PS+ free game which is already purchased ? Golden week sale is near and i still in my PS+ subscription.

Solution 1:

In specific response to the details of your question there are two answers:

1) No. In that you would have to cancel your PSN+ membership, but cancelling the membership blocks you from the discount. If you renew your membership you may regain access to prior downloads, which would again block purchase since it is already "purchased". (I suppose there is a sketchy chance that you'll loose all your old licenses if you renew a cancelled acount, so in that untested case this might become a Yes).

2) Yes. Create a new PSN account with a new PSN+ subscription. Wipe your Vita clear and loose all of your old user data. Add the new PSN account and purchase the game. ...the side effects of this approach in my mind would equate to a No rather than a Yes, but it's all about how desperate you are.

Personally, I just went and bought the physical copy. Once it's patched to the same version as the PSN download. You can transfer your save data between copies on a PC from the Content Manager backup folder.