Using GZIP compression with Spring Boot/MVC/JavaConfig with RESTful

We use Spring Boot/MVC with annotation-based java-config for series of RESTful services and we want to selectively enable HTTP GZIP stream compression on some API responses.

I know I can do this manually in my controller and a byte[] @ResponseBody, however we'd prefer to rely on the Spring MVC infrastructure (filters/etc) and have it automatically do the JSON conversion and compression (i.e. the method returns a POJO).

How can I enable GZIP compression in the ResponseBody or embedded Tomcat instance, and in a way we can selectively compress only some responses?

We don't currently have any XML based configuration.

Solution 1:

The rest of these answers are out of date and/or over the top complicated for something that should be simple IMO (how long has gzip been around for now? longer than Java...) From the docs:

In 1.3+

# 🗜️🗜️🗜️
# opt in to content types
# not worth the CPU cycles at some point, probably

In 1.2.2 - <1.3


Older than 1.2.2:

public class TomcatCustomizer implements TomcatConnectorCustomizer {

  public void customize(Connector connector) {
    connector.setProperty("compression", "on");
    // Add json and xml mime types, as they're not in the mimetype list by default
    connector.setProperty("compressableMimeType", "text/html,text/xml,text/plain,application/json,application/xml");

Also note this will ONLY work if you are running embedded tomcat:

If you plan to deploy to a non embedded tomcat you will have to enable it in server.xml

IRL Production Note:

Also to avoid all of this consider using a proxy/load balancer setup in front of Tomcat with nginx and/or haproxy or similar since it will handle static assets and gzip MUCH more efficiently and easily than Java/Tomcat's threading model.

You don't want to throw 'cat in the bath because it's busy compressing stuff instead of serving up requests (or more likely spinning up threads/eating CPU/heap sitting around waiting for database IO to occur while running up your AWS bill which is why traditional Java/Tomcat might not be a good idea to begin with depending on what you are doing but I digress...)


Solution 2:

On recents versions in application.yml config:


  profiles: dev

    enabled: true
    mime-types: text/html,text/css,application/javascript,application/json


Solution 3:

This is basically the same solution as @andy-wilkinson provided, but as of Spring Boot 1.0 the customize(...) method has a ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer parameter.

Another thing that is worth mentioning is that Tomcat only compresses content types of text/html, text/xml and text/plain by default. Below is an example that supports compression of application/json as well:

public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer servletContainerCustomizer() {
    return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
        public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer servletContainer) {
            ((TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) servletContainer).addConnectorCustomizers(
                    new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
                        public void customize(Connector connector) {
                            AbstractHttp11Protocol httpProtocol = (AbstractHttp11Protocol) connector.getProtocolHandler();
                            String mimeTypes = httpProtocol.getCompressableMimeTypes();
                            String mimeTypesWithJson = mimeTypes + "," + MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE;