Does armor gain experience by taking damage? (in Destiny)

While you are fighting your active weapon (primary, 2ndary, heavy) is the one that gains xp. I'm wondering if armor gains xp by being hit/taking damage. In otherwords: if I want to level armor faster (outside of bounties) should I intentionally let myself get hit to level armor faster?

Solution 1:

No it does not. The only way to gain experience is from finishing bounties, story missions, and the strikes.

Solution 2:

I tested it out and you do not gain experience from taking damage. I used to view xp before and after. I took a baseline after a couple hours idle. Then dropped into Mars patrols and killed one Cabal, by myself, without taking any damage. Took an xp snapshot. Then allowed myself to take damage from a single cabal, without dealing any damage. No experience was gained. enter image description here