What do "Tea-Paw" and "Tea-Paw Tax double header" mean?

I found the word, ‘Tea-Paw’ in headlines of articles of both Time magazine (March 31) and StarTribune (March 1st).

Time's headline says "The Tea-Paw tax double header," followed by the lead copy, "Minnesotan heads to Boston on Friday ahead of Des Moines on Saturday."

StarTribune’s headline says "Tea-Paw: Birth of a candidate?" followed by the lead copy, "Minne‘Former Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty released a new video Tuesday highlighting his speech at a weekend tea party convention in Phoenix.

What is Tea-Paw? Is it a combination of ‘Tea party’ and “(Tim) Pawlenty”? If it is (or not), what is “Tea-Paw tax double header”? Does the word 'Tea-Paw" pass itself as the common currency?

T(im) Paw(lenty) is frequently called T-Paw for short. Mix that with Tea Party and you get Tea-Paw.

A double header because Time magazine reported (from Reuters)

Minnesotan in Concord, Boston Friday ahead of Des Moines Saturday

which seems to have been updated from

Minnesotan will appear at Des Moines 10:30 AM CST April 15 Tea Party rally ahead of Boston 4-6 PM EST event

as in two baseball games on the same day.