Playing music *from* bluetooth device *to* Mac OS? (Or Linux?)

Solution 1:

You can use ObexFS to mount the device, then play the music from the mount point

I'm not sure if Mac OSX supports fuse, however I use this on Linux all the time with different phones.

You can use hcitool inq (from Bluez) to find your phone's bluetooth address.

mount -t fuse "obexfs#-bPHONE_BT_ADDRESS -B6" /media/phone

Solution 2:

AFAIK, no, its not possible on OS X (out of the box).

Depending on the model of machine, you may have a Line-in you could use to feed audio from the phone through the Mac, but save for having a client/server app setup, I don’t think its possible.

Another option, if the android can act as a dumb USB disk, plug it in via USB, hold Alt when starting iTunes, and create an iTunes library on the phone. All metadata, etc would be stored and kept on the phone, once you shut down iTunes and remove the phone the machine loses all knowledge of it (short of a line in your iTunes preferences plist pointing at that drive).

Every subsequent time you start iTunes it will look there first, then prompt if it can’t find the storage on your phone.

I used to maintain my iTunes library on my work machine this way, using an external USB disk instead of a phone, but its the same principle.