Line wrapping in PowerShell ISE Console?

Unfortunately, ISE does not have this functionality... which is weird given that PowerShell (Non-ISE) does.

Unfortunately - the Windows 10/PowerShell 5 ISE isn't any better. The only possible solutions are:

  • Tilde/Backtick (`) - which you've already said you know about
  • Use the ISE "Copy" function when building a command in the cmdlet explorer and then paste into a separate console - hardly ideal, but it may work
  • Develop in a third party application such as Notepad++ and test in ISE/PowerShell
  • Work in the non ISE PowerShell command prompt and use tab completion instead of Intellisense.
  • Investiagte some other ISE such as PowerShell Studio (paid) which seems to wrap lines OK according to a colleague of mine

Sorry I can't be of any more help.