A synonym for 'decision' that refers to the question only, but not the answer

All of the typical synonyms I can think of refer both to the act of making a decision and what you came to as your conclusion.


  • Decision (I made a decision, and it resulted in my decision)


  • A choice (I made a choice, and what I picked was my choice)
  • A selection (My selection resulted in a selection)

Is this an inherent flaw in English that the noun to describe a question with options is also a valid noun for the answer you pick? If not, can anyone find a synonym which works in this context?

You say you want a word for just the thinking part of it, not the decision you've made? If I understand you correctly (and I'm not sure I have):

I have deliberated (noun: deliberation): to think carefully and often slowly, as about a choice to be made. (TFD)

My heart has been heavy and I have deliberated within my own conscience, knowing that my decision should not come out of my initial emotion of anger toward the President for such reckless behavior, but should be based on the facts. - Blanche Lincoln

Lots of synonyms: consider, think, ponder, reflect upon, mull over, etc.

Probably the most common word is think: I have thought about it.

Edited to include nouns: thoughts, reflections, contemplations, deliberations.

A more informal alternative to deliberate is mull. You can also say mull over something before arriving at a decision. This might take a few minutes or even days, it usually involves a problem where the solution is not readily apparent. You need time to mull things over in your mind, you can be going about with your normal routine and everyday life while at the back of your mind there is always the "problem" and that final decision which has to be taken.

Oxford Dictionaries define mull as:

Think about (something) deeply and at length

The Free Dictionary defines mull over something as an idiom and offers these examples

  • That's an interesting idea, but I'll have to mull it over.
  • I'll mull over your suggestions and reply to you next week.

Perhaps you may query, or ponder, or process the options / problems to arrive at a decision. (Also vacillate - which is more if you are indecisive)