Eclipse is not starting on Windows 7

The bit suggests a special char in the path, as mentioned in this thread.

If I have the equinox jar in a path with a percent sign in it, equinox won't start. For example:

$ pwd

More specifically, if the percent sign is a valid escaping (ie, if the dir was /tmp/test%20) equinox will start, however it will fail to find the config.ini that is located in the configuration directory.

Did you check the FAQ I unzipped Eclipse, but it won't start. Why?

Cannot find a VM.

Eclipse requires a JVM to run and does not include one in the download. You need to grab a VM yourself; the Eclipse downloads page has pointers to where you can get one. You may have a VM, but Eclipse cannot find it. To avoid possible conflicts, always specify the VM you are using with the -vm command-line argument.

(see my eclipse.ini for an example to how reference the JVM)

Bad VM.

All versions of the Eclipse Platform require at least a JDK 1.3 VM. Eclipse 3.0 requires a 1.4 VM. Eclipse 3.3 and later contain many plug-ins that will not work without a 1.5 VM, and some that even require a 1.6 VM; Eclipse will run with a lower VM, but some functionality may be missing. As of Eclipse 3.3, the recommended VM version is 1.5 or later. If you are using a home-grown or experimental JVM and encounter problems, you may not be able to get help from other Eclipse users. Use a reputable VM. If you run into trouble, always try a VM from a major distributor and see whether the problem goes away. Eclipse also may not start if there is a mismatch in the JVM's architecture and the particular Eclipse build you are using. If you are on a 64-bit system but are using a 32-bit JVM, then you should download the 32-bit version of Eclipse. Likewise, if you are using a 64-bit JVM, then you should get the 64-bit version of Eclipse.

(should not be the case here, unless somehow an other older VM is picked up by eclipse)

Unsupported platform.

Make sure that the architecture and the operating system of your machine match one of the supported systems described in the file readme_eclipse.html. Eclipse will not run on Windows 95 or Commodore 64, for example. If your machine does not match one of the configurations described in the readme, it may still run, but you are on your own!

Lack of appropriate native widget toolkit.

If you download, for example, the GTK version of Eclipse, then you need to make sure that you have GTK (GTK+ 2.2.1 or higher, for Eclipse 3.3) on your computer and that it is correctly installed.

Incorrectly unzipped.

Believe it or not, about once a month, a user reports start-up failure: The user has unzipped Eclipse without selecting the use folder names option. Make sure that the result of unzipping is an install tree with an eclipse directory at its root. The Ark unzip utility in KDE is known to mangle Eclipse zips, so use a different unzip program to install there. The built-in unzip utility in Windows has also been known to have problems, particularly when installing into paths with relatively long names.

New Eclipse unzipped on top of older Eclipse.

Do not do this. Either install Eclipse in a brand new directory or use the Eclipse Update Manager to upgrade an older Eclipse. You can still keep your old workspace. Look in the Eclipse readme file for more details.

Buggy build.

It is not always user error. Some integration builds, and even the odd stable build, will have start-up problems under certain configurations that were not well tested. For example, build 3.0M6 would fail to start up if you restarted with an old workspace after unzipping new plug-ins into the plugins directory. If you are a new user, always start with the most recent official Eclipse release to be sure you are using the “least buggy” version possible. For more advanced users willing to accept less stable builds, consult Bugzilla to see if your particular start-up problem has already been reported.

Xerces problem.

Prior to Eclipse 3.0, Eclipse used a version of Xerces for parsing XML files, but certain distributions of 1.4 JVMs included a different version of Xerces with the same package names. This should not be a problem with Eclipse 3.0 or higher. See FAQ 108 for more details.

Disk full or out of memory.

Eclipse, especially 2.1 and earlier, does not always gracefully report disk-full errors or out-of-memory errors. Make sure that you have adequate disk space and that you are giving the Java VM enough heap space. See FAQ 26 for details.

I submitted a bug on the Eclipse site and it was determined that I need to execute Eclipse like so (Assuming Eclipse is installed at c:\eclipse):

eclipse.exe -eclipse.keyring C:\eclipse\keyring.txt

When Eclipse is first executed my workspace defaults to C:\eclipse\%userprofile%\workspace. For some reason, the user profile can't be determined on the installation of Windows 7 Enterprise Edition that I have. VonC you were on the right track with the parsing issue.

Description of what the above command is doing:

From what I understand, it sets the Equinox secure storage location. Perhaps your % discrepancy is the cause of your problems, I don't know.

Here is the URL to the bug: