Android 4.2 on Nexus 7: canvas.drawText() not working correctly

Solution 1:

I answer my own question after a lot of googling...

The trick consist in the use of setLinearText(true) for the Paint object used for drawing the text. Now, everything looks great.

paint = new Paint();

Here the link that saves my day:

I hope it can help someonelse.

The text is not rendered at the best yet:

enter image description here

Edited (14/01/2013)

I'm still facing a kering problem (only on 4.2.1). Please see my other question here:

Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing)

Edited (05/02/2013)

I see another projects has the same problem. Look at the link below:

If you run the sample on Nexus 4.2.1 (or in the simulator Android 4.2) you get the same "strange" text...

Edited (20/02/2013)

Found a workaround that not uses setLinearText(true), look here:

Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing)

Solution 2:

Android 4 defaults to Hardware Acceleration On. Some of the drawing functions do not work properly with this on. Cannot remember which ones exactly but try turning Hardware Acceleration off in the manifest file and see if it makes a difference.

Of course this may not be the cause but it worth a try.