How to escape back ticks

MySQL requires tables that shadow reserved words to be back ticked. I have a table Role which is a reserved word, but I have already put my query in back ticks so I can write it over multiple lines (this is a toy query, large ones will not fit on one line).

How do I escape the back ticks?

Here is my code:

dbmap := db.InitDb()

var roles []entities.Role
query :=
    ` << Difficult to see with SO's code editor widget, but here is a back tick
FROM `Role` <<< Needs escaping
`  << Difficult to see, but here is a back tick

_, err := dbmap.Select(&roles, query, nil)
if err != nil {


Solution 1:

You cannot escape backticks inside backticks, but you can do:

dbmap := db.InitDb()

var roles []entities.Role
query := `
FROM ` + "`Role`"

_, err := dbmap.Select(&roles, query, nil)
if err != nil {


Solution 2:

If your query is long, it might be worth putting in a text file and reading it in, that will keep your code more concise and organized, and also avoid the backtick quoting issue entirely.

Solution 3:

You can use . prefix:

query := `
FROM .Role