Why I can't see the thumbnails in Nautilus?
Solution 1:
try changing nautilus preferences
Edit-> Preferences-> Preview-> Other Previewable Files-> only files under (set a higher MB value and then try reloading)
Solution 2:
This may happen if you get a different UID from the one you had before (this will remove you the ownership of those files). Try executing this on a terminal:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.thumbnails
From 12.10 onward, thumbnais are also stored in ~/.cache/thumbnails
, so you may repeat the same process for this location.
If none of those solves your issue, you can always remove them (they are automatically generated, and I think failed thumbs generations are cached):
sudo rm -rf ~/.thumbnails/* ~/.cache/thumbnails/*
Note: it's not the case of OP, but if you don't get previews to video files (ex: mkv, mp4) probably you are missing the video codec. This can be easily fixed by open the video with "Movie Player": it will propose a suitable codec.
Solution 3:
I had the same issue.
I solved it by moving the .thumbnails folder and setting a symbolic link to .cache/thumbnails instead.
mv ~/.thumbnails ~/thumbnails
ln -s ~/.cache/thumbnails ~/.thumbnails
Is it possible that there were some changes?
It looks to me like the thumbnailers create their thumbnails in .cache/thumbnails, while nautilus keeps looking in .thumbnails.