I seem to have deleted all my files while removing the wine from the home directory

After trying to remove Wine from Ubuntu, all my files were suddenly gone. That is, I do not see any of my documents etc., but my hard drive says only 3 GB is still available (which is common for my small hard drive).

The problem occurred after doing this: How to remove wine completely and then the top rated answer (of pagal pila). Most likely I did something not appropriate for my version/pc (Learned the hard way that people shouldn't just try commands they don't understand).

Does anyone know how to recover/show my removed/hidden files?

As commented, I ran history:

    1  sudo apt-get remove --purge wine  
    2  rm -rf $HOME/ .wine  
    3  sudo  
    4  sudo rm -rf $HOME/.wine  
    5  sudo rm -f $HOME/.config/menus/applications-merged/wine*  
    6  rm -f $HOME/.config/menus/applications-merged/wine*  
    7  rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine  
    8  rm -f $HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories/wine  
    9  rm -f $HOME/.local/share/icons/????_*.xpm  
   10  sudo apt-get remove --purge wine  
   11  sudo apt-get update  
   12  sudo apt-get autoclean  
   13  sudo apt-get clean  
   14  sudo apt-get autoremove  
   15  apt-get update

rm -rf $HOME/ .wine I see a space there ... You nuked your home with that.

Does anyone have a clue how to recover/show my removed/hidden files?

Got a backup? If so use that. Otherwise ...

  • do NOTHING with that system. N O T H I N G. Any change to that bit of the disk lowers your ability to recover anything from it.
  • Boot up a Live DVD and install "testdisk" in it.
  • Run testdisk and have it scan that partition.
  • Start praying.


rm -rf $HOME/ .wine  

There is a space between $HOME and .wine. So, it means that rm has to force (f) the recursive (r) removal of both $HOME and .wine.

So, you chose to remove all the things in your home folder :)

There is no "undo" option here, the best solution is to recover from a previous backup.

Or, you can try from a live file system to use testdisk and photorec in order to recover your data.

Please note that, if you used the computer after the disaster occurred, it is highly unprobable that you will succeed at it.