Rails: link_to image tag. how to add class to a tag

Solution 1:

hi you can try doing this

link_to image_tag("Search.png", border: 0), {action: 'search', controller: 'pages'}, {class: 'dock-item'}

or even

link_to image_tag("Search.png", border: 0), {action: 'search', controller: 'pages'}, class: 'dock-item'

note that the position of the curly braces is very important, because if you miss them out, rails will assume they form a single hash parameters (read more about this here)

and according to the api for link_to:

link_to(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)
  1. the first parameter is the string to be shown (or it can be an image_tag as well)
  2. the second is the parameter for the url of the link
  3. the last item is the optional parameter for declaring the html tag, e.g. class, onchange, etc.

hope it helps! =)

Solution 2:

Just adding that you can pass the link_to method a block:

<%= link_to href: 'http://www.example.com/' do %>
    <%= image_tag 'happyface.png', width: 136, height: 67, alt: 'a face that is unnervingly happy'%>
<% end %>

results in:

<a href="/?href=http%3A%2F%2Fhttp://www.example.com/k%2F">
    <img alt="a face that is unnervingly happy" height="67" src="/assets/happyface.png" width="136">

This has been a life saver when the designer has given me complex links with fancy css3 roll-over effects.