How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

I've got a Python project using PyDev in Eclipse, and PyDev keeps generating false errors for my code. I have a module settings that defines a settings object. I import that in module b and assign an attribute with:

from settings import settings
settings.main = object()

In some of my code--but not all of it, statements like:

from settings import settings
print settings.main 

... generate "Undefined variable from import: main" messages in the Eclipse code error pane, even though the code runs without a problem. How can I correct these?

For code in your project, the only way is adding a declaration saying that you expected that -- possibly protected by an if False so that it doesn't execute (the static code-analysis only sees what you see, not runtime info -- if you opened that module yourself, you'd have no indication that main was expected).

To overcome this there are some choices:

  1. If it is some external module, it's possible to add it to the forced builtins so that PyDev spawns a shell for it to obtain runtime information (see for details) -- i.e.: mostly, PyDev will import the module in a shell and do a dir(module) and dir on the classes found in the module to present completions and make code analysis.

  2. You can use Ctrl+1 (Cmd+1 for Mac) in a line with an error and PyDev will present you an option to add a comment to ignore that error.

  3. It's possible to create a stub module and add it to the predefined completions ( also has details on that).

I'm using opencv which relies on binaries etc so I have scripts where every other line has this silly error. Python is a dynamic language so such occasions shouldn't be considered errors.

I removed these errors altogether by going to:

Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> Undefined -> Undefined Variable From Import -> Ignore

And that's that.

It may also be, Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> Imports -> Import not found -> Ignore