Spring MVC: How to return custom 404 errorpages?

The solution is much simpler than thought. One can use one generic ResourceNotFoundException defined as follows:

public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { }

then one can handle errors within every controller with an ExceptionHandler annotation:

class MeterController {
    // ...
    public String handleResourceNotFoundException() {
        return "meters/notfound";

    // ...

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{number}/edit", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String viewEdit(@PathVariable("number") final Meter meter,
                           final Model model) {
        if (meter == null) throw new ResourceNotFoundException();

        model.addAttribute("meter", meter);
        return "meters/edit";

Every controller can define its own ExceptionHandler for the ResourceNotFoundException.

modified your web.xml file.Using following code.

<display-name>App Name </display-name>


Access this by following code.

response.sendError(508802,"Error Message");

Now add this code in web.xml.


You can map the error codes in web.xml like the following




Now you can create a controller to map the url's that are hit when any of these error is found.

public class HTTPErrorHandler{

    String path = "/error";

    public String error404(){
       // DO stuff here 
        return path+"/404";

For full example see my tutorial about this