American words for gas stoves

Solution 1:

According to OxfordLearnersDictionary; stove:

  • (especially North American English) (British English also cooker) (North American English also range) a large piece of equipment for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top. - She put a pan of water on the stove.

  • (North American English, British English) Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove(= cooking).


  • (North American English) : stove.

  • stove with spaces for cooking a number of things at the same time.

    • Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range.

Solution 2:

Here's my take on first photo. I think it could be considered a gas hot plate.

The second photo is, as previous posters stated, a gas stove or range.

And now I correct myself with the link below