How to specify that search should be between two dates in technical specification

I'm writing an integration manual that specifies how to use our WCF service for mobile messages and responses. The part in question needs to specify that the search results will be filtered between the start and end dates.

My aim is to make it clear that the time portion of the two dates will be discarded and the result will include everything from the start date to the end date. (In practice the code truncates the dates, adds one day to the end date, and returns the data that conforms to a query something like: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE DateCreated >= @StartDate AND DateCreated < @EndDate)

But my paragraph looks verbose and clumsy. It doesn't feel right. I feel kind of like John Cleese telling the kids when to put their clothes onto a lower peg. How can I make this less verbose?

Or maybe I'm over-thinking this?

When searching for responses, the search is performed between the supplied dates, after truncating the time portion thereof. The results will include responses with a date-time greater than equal to the start date, and less than one day after the end date. So passing the same value for start and end date will retrieve all responses received on that date, for messages previously sent by that user.

You can use inclusive and, by way of analogy and contrast, exclusive for this.

The search results will be filtered between the start date (inclusive) and end date (exclusive).


[postpositive] Including the limits specified:
between the ages of 55 and 59 inclusive


If both dates the user enters are included in the output (that is, in order to construct the query you use the day after the user's end date), both are inclusive. You can use the word both to be absolutely explicit, but normally just "inclusive" would be enough.

The search results will be filtered between the start and end dates (inclusive).

The search results will be filtered between the start and end dates (both inclusive).