Change OS X server website default location

This has to do with removing a configuration file, that is used by the server, for wiki and Xcode. All that's in the file is a bit saying YES service is active, you could probably just change that to NO, but deleting the file works for starters. And as long as you don't restart the Xcode service the file won't get recreated!

See this thread: Cannot change default webpage

It appears to be a bug. The short answer is to remove/rename this file:


Note, that you can turn the Wiki service on and then remove/rename this file and the Wiki and Web service will work fine (and with the correct index order). However, turning the Wiki service off and back on will recreate the file and thus cause the issue to reappear. To address that issue I wrote a simple BASH script to check if the file exists and if so, delete it. I then made a LaunchDaemon to run the script every 15 seconds.


But as an added bonus, my problem wasn't wiki, it was Xcode, and the same goes >for removing:


I am thinking about changing the YES to NO in the file tho to see if that keeps >things on lockdown incase of restarts...