Is it possible to import iPhone photos with corresponding .AAE files to Photos on the Mac?

I'm transitioning to using on both iOS and OS X - with the intention to use iCloud Photo Library...

Before making this change I had to move a bunch of photos off an iPhone to free up space. I did so using Image Capture on the Mac - and I've ended up with .JPGs paired with .AAEs (the latter, as I understand it, containing the image edits).

(So, I moved the photos off the iPhone to a folder on a Mac, duplicated on external disk, did a back up, then deleted the images on the iPhone)

I've read this Q&A with tells of a method to use a python script to apply of the filters to the corresponding images.

What I'd like to know: is it possible to import both the .JPG files and .AAE files so that the original image is still available in Photos? E.g. so that the revert option would still be available...

Solution 1:

best way to do this is via AirDrop, its super fast and doesn't require a internet connection (bluetooth and WIFI need to be switched on though). Works with iPhone5 or up, maybe 4S as well but i didn't try.