C++ Variadic Template Array / Accessing Elements

In C++, how would I be able to access elements of a variadic template like an array? I have made a basic attempt to show what I am trying to acheive below, but, of course, it doesn't compile:

template<class... Args> struct Apple{
    Apple(Args... A) : V(A){}
    Apple() : p(0){}
    void push_back(decltype(V[p]) v){
        V[p++] = v;
    Args... V;
    int p;

int main(){
    Apple<int, double> a(5, 6.5);
    Apple<int, double> b;

I'd suggest you take a look at variadic template. The typename... Ts is not an array. So you can't expect Args... v to be expanded as an array. Besides, how will you create an array with each element of different type?

Your requirement is quite similiar what the std::tuple provides, you should take a look at its implementation.

Take a look at this GoingNative 2012 video given by Andrei. It's a great introduction to variadic template.

And here is one of my toy tuple when play with variadic template. There's some duplication with what C++11 stl provided, but its a toy any way.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>

using namespace std;

template <typename T, typename... Ts> class MyTuple : public MyTuple<Ts...> {
  using base = MyTuple<Ts...>;

  T elem;

  MyTuple(T v, Ts... vs) : base(vs...), elem(v) {}

template <typename T> class MyTuple<T> {
  T elem;

  MyTuple(T v) : elem(v) {}

template <int i, typename T, typename... Ts> struct type_of {
  static_assert(i < sizeof...(Ts) + 1, "index out of range");
  typedef typename type_of<i - 1, Ts...>::type type;

template <typename T, typename... Ts> struct type_of<0, T, Ts...> {
  typedef T type;

template <int i, typename T, typename... Ts>
typename enable_if<i == 0, typename type_of<i, T, Ts...>::type&>::type get(MyTuple<T, Ts...> &t) {
  static_assert(i >= 0, "index out of range");
  static_assert(i < sizeof...(Ts) + 1, "index out of range");

  return t.elem;

template <int i, typename T, typename... Ts>
typename enable_if<i != 0, typename type_of<i, T, Ts...>::type&>::type get(MyTuple<T, Ts...> &t) {
  static_assert(i >= 0, "index out of range");
  static_assert(i < sizeof...(Ts) + 1, "index out of range");

  MyTuple<Ts...>& base = t;
  return get<i - 1>(base);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  cout << typeid(type_of<0, int, char, long>::type).name() << endl;         // print i
  cout << typeid(type_of<1, int, char, long>::type).name() << endl;         // print c
  cout << typeid(type_of<2, int, char, long>::type).name() << endl;         // print l

  MyTuple<int, int> t(0, 1);

  cout << get<0>(t) << endl;
  cout << get<1>(t) << endl;

  return 0;