Windows10 auto restarts my computer and I lost data while working

I use Windows for about 21 years and never encountered such a behavior.

A few days ago I formatted my PC and reinstalled Win10. I get automatic updates as I wished but instead of waiting for me to restart or shut down my computer once a while, Win10 now seem to decide for me when to restart after update.

It gave me several notifications in the last days, and each time I clicked "Try later" but now suddenly it restarted without asking my permission while I was on a work and lost data.

Maybe I clicked enter while typing in the second it poped up and it wasn't automatic but that's unlikely and outrageous anyway as it shouldn't be clicked so easily.

Given I didn't find a way to disable automatic restarts (Microsoft forces you to use "Comfortable hours" for resetting your PC, and given I didn't find any option to disable all automatic updates in Win10, I ask for any informal tweak how to disable these.

Solution 1:

Quick and dirty methode, Disable the windows update Service. this way it wont even search for updates.

Downside would be that your system would be outdated. so i would suggest turning the service on again when you have the time to updates, because no matter how annoying the update process is, the updates ARE important.