Who can really say what that person feels or even if they'd experience embarrassment if they are so arrogant? Unless they had a sudden epiphany that they were "bested" by someone, regardless of the victor's demeanor, they could be chagrined, dumbfounded, 'put in their place', impressed, surprised and even your word...embarrassed.

Sounds to me like they've been "brought down a peg or two" (slang).

to do something to show someone that they are not as good as they thought they were

OED 'peg' (n.1.II.3) has

a. The interval between two successive positions, such as could be marked by pegs; a step, a degree. Esp. in to take (a person) down a peg (or two) and variants: to lower (a person) in his or her own, or the general, estimation; to lower a person's view of his or her own status or ability; to humble, chasten, snub. Also to take (a person) a peg lower . Similarly occas. to come down a peg