Is there a good iPhone app which syncs with Google docs?

I'd like to be able to write notes on my iPhone and have them synced with my Google docs. I've tried Notemaster, but it doesn't always work (some docs just generate an error message when I try to sync). Is there something out there that is more reliable?

Solution 1:

Awesome Note

It syncs well with Google Docs. It also syncs with EverNote. It's feature rich and very polished. I love it.

Solution 2:

Have you tried Evernote? It's a great little app that is on just about everything, syncs notes and allows you to edit on the go.

Solution 3:


Late to the party, but I've been using NoteMaster for a year or so now. It syncs with Google Docs effortlessly, I'm very pleased with it.

That said, Awesome Note looks a lot nicer, clearly has many more features, and costs the same.