Can I use CSS to reverse the display order of two elements?

This sounds crazy, but bear with me. I'm writing a page that basically consists of the following:

<div id="container">
    <div id="child1">...</div>
    <div is="child2">...</div>

I want the page to appear different depending on whether it's being rendered for the screen or for printing, implemented through the magic of media queries. In particular, when printing, I want #child2 to appear on the page before #child1.

Is there any way I can swap their order without resorting to javascript, and preferably without nasty absolute positioning and whatnot?

I should add, "before" in this context means "directly under."

Yes, with flex boxes -

  display: flex;    
  flex-flow: column;

  order: 2;

  order: 1;    

Newer browser support for flex is pretty good. You could also hack your way through it with negative margins :)

The following code will sort your issue and according to is compatible with all browsers except for IE7 and below.

Full support on CSS table display can be found here


<div id="container">
    <div id="child1">1</div>
    <div id="child2">2</div>


#child2 {
#child1 {