Nullable type as a generic parameter possible?

Change the return type to Nullable<T>, and call the method with the non nullable parameter

static void Main(string[] args)
    int? i = GetValueOrNull<int>(null, string.Empty);

public static Nullable<T> GetValueOrNull<T>(DbDataRecord reader, string columnName) where T : struct
    object columnValue = reader[columnName];

    if (!(columnValue is DBNull))
        return (T)columnValue;

    return null;

public static T GetValueOrDefault<T>(this IDataRecord rdr, int index)
    object val = rdr[index];

    if (!(val is DBNull))
        return (T)val;

    return default(T);

Just use it like this:

decimal? Quantity = rdr.GetValueOrDefault<decimal?>(1);
string Unit = rdr.GetValueOrDefault<string>(2);

Just do two things to your original code – remove the where constraint, and change the last return from return null to return default(T). This way you can return whatever type you want.

By the way, you can avoid the use of is by changing your if statement to if (columnValue != DBNull.Value).