jQuery callback for multiple ajax calls

I want to make three ajax calls in a click event. Each ajax call does a distinct operation and returns back data that is needed for a final callback. The calls themselves are not dependent on one another, they can all go at the same time, however I would like to have a final callback when all three are complete.

$('#button').click(function() {
//now do something else when the requests have done their 'success' callbacks.

var fun1= (function() {
var fun2 = (function() {
var fun3 = (function() {

Solution 1:

Looks like you've got some answers to this, however I think there is something worth mentioning here that will greatly simplify your code. jQuery introduced the $.when in v1.5. It looks like:

$.when($.ajax(...), $.ajax(...)).then(function (resp1, resp2) {
    //this callback will be fired once all ajax calls have finished.

Didn't see it mentioned here, hope it helps.

Solution 2:

Here is a callback object I wrote where you can either set a single callback to fire once all complete or let each have their own callback and fire them all once all complete:


Since jQuery 1.5+ you can use the deferred method as described in another answer:

  $.when($.ajax(), [...]).then(function(results){},[...]);

Example of deferred here

for jQuery < 1.5 the following will work or if you need to have your ajax calls fired at unknown times as shown here with two buttons: fired after both buttons are clicked


for single callback once complete: Working Example

// initialize here
var requestCallback = new MyRequestsCompleted({
    numRequest: 3,
    singleCallback: function(){
        alert( "I'm the callback");

//usage in request
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {

each having their own callback when all complete: Working Example

var requestCallback = new MyRequestsCompleted({
    numRequest: 3

//usage in request
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {
        requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() {
            alert('Im the first callback');
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {
        requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() {
            alert('Im the second callback');
    url: '/echo/html/',
    success: function(data) {
        requestCallback.addCallbackToQueue(true, function() {
            alert('Im the third callback');

[The Code]

var MyRequestsCompleted = (function() {
    var numRequestToComplete, requestsCompleted, callBacks, singleCallBack;

    return function(options) {
        if (!options) options = {};

        numRequestToComplete = options.numRequest || 0;
        requestsCompleted = options.requestsCompleted || 0;
        callBacks = [];
        var fireCallbacks = function() {
            alert("we're all complete");
            for (var i = 0; i < callBacks.length; i++) callBacks[i]();
        if (options.singleCallback) callBacks.push(options.singleCallback);

        this.addCallbackToQueue = function(isComplete, callback) {
            if (isComplete) requestsCompleted++;
            if (callback) callBacks.push(callback);
            if (requestsCompleted == numRequestToComplete) fireCallbacks();
        this.requestComplete = function(isComplete) {
            if (isComplete) requestsCompleted++;
            if (requestsCompleted == numRequestToComplete) fireCallbacks();
        this.setCallback = function(callback) {

Solution 3:

Not seeing the need for any object malarky myself. Simple have a variable which is an integer. When you start a request, increment the number. When one completes, decrement it. When it's zero, there are no requests in progress, so you're done.

$('#button').click(function() {
    var inProgress = 0;

    function handleBefore() {

    function handleComplete() {
        if (!--inProgress) {
            // do what's in here when all requests have completed.

        beforeSend: handleBefore,
        complete: function () {
            // whatever
            // whatever
        beforeSend: handleBefore,
        complete: function () {
            // whatever
            // whatever
        beforeSend: handleBefore,
        complete: function () {
            // whatever
            // whatever

Solution 4:

It's worth noting that since $.when expects all of the ajax requests as sequential arguments (not an array) you'll commonly see $.when used with .apply() like so:

// Save all requests in an array of jqXHR objects
var requests = arrayOfThings.map(function(thing) {
    return $.ajax({
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'thing/' + thing.id

$.when.apply(this, requests).then(function(resp1, resp2/*, ... */) {
    // Each argument is an array with the following structure: [ data, statusText, jqXHR ]
    var responseArgsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(this, arguments);


Using the Spread syntax, you can now write this code like so:

$.when(...requests).then((...responses) => {
    // do something with responses

This is because $.when accepts args like this

$.when(ajaxRequest1, ajaxRequest2, ajaxRequest3);

And not like this:

$.when([ajaxRequest1, ajaxRequest2, ajaxRequest3]);

Solution 5:

I like hvgotcodes' idea. My suggestion is to add a generic incrementer that compares the number complete to the number needed and then runs the final callback. This could be built into the final callback.

var sync = {
 callbacksToComplete = 3,
 callbacksCompleted = 0,
 addCallbackInstance = function(){
  if(callbacksCompleted == callbacksToComplete) {

[Edited to reflect name updates.]