MySQLi equivalent of mysql_result()?

I'm porting some old PHP code from mysql to MySQLi, and I've ran into a minor snag.

Is there no equivalent to the old mysql_result() function?

I know mysql_result() is slower than the other functions when you're working with more than 1 row, but a lot of the time I have only 1 result and 1 field. Using it lets me condense 4 lines into 1.

Old code:

if ($r && mysql_num_rows($r))  
    $blarg = mysql_result($r, 0, 'blah');

Desired code:

if ($r && $r->num_rows)  
    $blarg = $r->result(0, 'blah');

But there is no such thing. :(

Is there something I'm missing? Or am I going to have to suck it up and make everything:

if ($r && $r->num_rows)  
    $row = $r->fetch_assoc();  
    $blarg = $row['blah'];  

While answered, I thought I could improve on the answer given after having the same question. The following function fully replicates the mysql_result() function, and returns false when you are out-of-bounds on your request (empty result, no row of that number, no column of that number). It does have the added benefit that, if you don't specify the row, it assumes 0,0 (one less value to be passed). The function was updated to allow for the numerical offset of the field or the field name.

function mysqli_result($res,$row=0,$col=0){ 
    $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($res); 
    if ($numrows && $row <= ($numrows-1) && $row >=0){
        $resrow = (is_numeric($col)) ? mysqli_fetch_row($res) : mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
        if (isset($resrow[$col])){
            return $resrow[$col];
    return false;

PHP 5.4 now supports function array dereferencing, which means you can do this:

if ($r && $r->num_rows)  
    $row = $r->fetch_assoc()['blah'];  

You can do this by fetching an object instead of an array.

$mysqli->query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE userid = 'foo'")->fetch_object()->email;

You need PHP 5+ to use method chaining like this.

Alternatively, if you use procedural MySQLi, it's easy to write your own mysqli_result function that matches mysql_result.

function db_result($result,$row,$field) { 
  if($result->num_rows==0) return 'unknown'; 
  return $rasp; 